March is the cruelest month

Especially this year. Throughout February it snew and snew, and then snew some more, and now … look at it out there. ;__; I mean, it’s beautiful, BUT. This is the time of year when it feels as if winter will never end. (This picture is from a couple of days ago, when it was sunny. Today it was snowing again. AARGH.)

It doesn’t help that I was sick for half of February, so I’m behind on everything.

But I’m digging myself out from under a to-do pile. I’ve finally got the website redesigned for a newer, cleaner, more mobile-responsive look. There’s now a proper blog again (I want to start posting some free fiction here), the Short Stories page has been restored after being eliminated in the last redesign, the Start Here page has been updated with all my current projects, and the Books page has been updated with a bunch of new stuff. I’ve added a page for 2018 shows (such as they are).

And the snow will melt, and spring will come! It’s just going to be a month or so before we see any proper progress on that …

March at Icefall Studio

A new year is upon us, the days are getting longer, and the site has a new, cleaner look. I plan to update more often this year. There’s a lot of news forthcoming from Icefall Studio (new books! new publications! new art!) so stay tuned for that in coming months, even if we’re currently stuck in the March doldrums when it feels like winter is never going to end.

September at Icefall Studio

Somehow autumn seems to have crept up on us. The air has that fresh crisp smell (and underlying chilly bite), the trees are turning colors, the farmer’s market and summer food trucks are in their final weeks if they haven’t closed down already … how does it come at the same time every year, and yet seems to come out of nowhere when it does?

At least this year I have an excuse. I spent two and a half weeks of August in England for a friend’s wedding and general touristing, which was lovely.

Continue reading “September at Icefall Studio”

August state-of-the-studio

Well, the big news for July is that I had my 40th birthday. I’ve never really marked a birthday milestone before; 18 and 21 came with new rights and responsibilities, but I didn’t really do anything. And 30 never made much of an impression on me. But for some reason, 40 felt like a big one, and I wanted to do something to commemorate the occasion.

I ended up spending it in Homer with my mom. It was a lovely vacation; we rented a nice little cabin in the hills, from Wild Rose Cottages:

Continue reading “August state-of-the-studio”

July Update

Hello! It’s July here at Icefall Studio, and I have a newly redesigned and mobile-responsive website, a brand new Facebook page, and along with these things, a renewed sense of energy and purpose for updating them in a timely fashion.

It happened that the website crash and redesign occurred almost exactly on the summer solstice (within a few days of it, at least). I can’t think of a better time for starting a new venture, especially here in Alaska, with our 24/7 daylight and the corresponding sense of energy and industry that goes along with it. It also has special significance for me as my wedding anniversary (16 years this June 20th!). So this is a good month to get back into the swing of regular blogging.

What’s going on around the studio this July?

Continue reading “July Update”