
I’m not currently working on any comics – Kismet, my main project, is on hiatus (after wrapping up Book 2 in 2022) while I focus on my novels. More Kismet story arcs are planned. This page will be updated when new projects appear.



Space opera about a seedy 27th-century mining colony and the spies, thieves, and fugitives who make a home there. Running as a webcomic since 2002. The second book, Sun-Cutter, finished in Oct. 2022, and the comic is currently on hiatus.

Main Kismet websiteSun-Cutter (complete, read for free) • Hunter’s Moon (complete, read for free) • Kismet short comics • Patreon


freebird front cover flat

A comic strip about Fairbanks, Alaska, and one woman’s search for herself. The strip ran from 2006-2008, collected in a 150-page graphic novel in 2012 with new material. Available on Amazon (print copy) or on Comixology (digital). It used to be online, on the now-defunct Webcomicsnation site; I’ll have it back online eventually.