Fall Equinox 2023 in pictures

I drove about 28 miles or so up the Elliot Hwy today – the southern part of the road that’s locally known as the Haul Road that supplies the Prudhoe Bay oilfields.

There were so many places where I would come around a turn and would be confronted by a golden hill that made me say “Wow” to myself. The pictures can’t really capture the experience of simply *everything* that isn’t a spruce tree being this bright vivid gold.

I like how you can see the rippling of the frost heaves in the road in this one. 🤣 Behold the interior Alaska driving experience!

In non-highway experiences, the woodland trails around our 11-acre property have a fall magic all their own.

My somewhat minimalist fall table setting display … fake leaves and real gourds.

In book news, Keeley #7 will be out on Sept. 26, and Vicki Vandermoon #2 follows closely on Oct. 11. As always, it’s a busy fall, and I wouldn’t have it any other way.